Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selami Beyhan

Members: Res. As. Deniz Kurtoğlu (PhD Stud.), Senem Yıldız (Msc Stud.)

Estimation and Control Lab develops machine learning based estimation and control methods to find solutions in different areas such as the prediction of electricity demand and production, machine learning and control theory methods in agricultural systems, and sensorless control of biomedical and mechanical systems.

Main research topics are:

  • Reinforcement Learning and Applications 
  • Sensorless Control of Nonlinear Systems
  • Batch and Incremental Prediction of Time Series
  • Optimization Methods in Artificial Intelligence

Advisory works in projects:

  • Electricity Demand Prediction, 2020-Continuing.
  • Sensör Verileri ve Uzaktan Algılama Teknolojilerinin Yapay Zeka ile Modellenmesi ile Ürün Deseni, Rekolte Tahminleme ve Bölgesel Yüksek Verimli Ürün Portföyü Belirleme Sistemi Geliştirilmesi, Tübitak 1507,2020-Continuing.
  • Makine Öğrenmesi Tabanlı, Bitkisel Üretimde Verimliliği Artırmaya, Girdi Kullanımı Azaltmaya Yönelik Sensör İstasyonu ve Dijital Böcek Kapanı Geliştirilmesi,  TÜBİTAK 1501, 2019-2020.

Selected publications are:

  • Bogar, Esref, and Selami Beyhan. „Adolescent Identity Search Algorithm (AISA): A novel metaheuristic approach for solving optimization problems.“ Applied Soft Computing 95 (2020): 106503.
  • Çetin, Meriç, and Selami Beyhan. „Adaptive stabilization of uncertain cortex dynamics under joint estimates and input constraints.“ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66.4 (2018): 627-631.
  • Dilmen, Erdem, Selami Beyhan.  “An enhanced online LS-SVM approach for classification problems.”,  Soft Computing, 22(13), (2018), 4457-4475.
  • Beyhan, Selami.  “Affine TS Fuzzy Model-Based Estimation and Control of Hindmarsh–Rose Neuronal Model.”  IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 47(8), (2017), 2342-2350. 
  • İşleroğlu, Hilal, Selami Beyhan.  “Prediction of baking quality using machine learning based intelligent models.”  Heat and Mass Transfer, 56(7), (2020), 2045-2055.
  • Çetin, Meriç, and Selami Beyhan.   “Modeling and Control of Irrigation Systems: A Short Survey and Future Directions.”  The Academic Perspective Procedia, 2(3), (2019), 1036-1042.